Showing posts with label cause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cause. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How Can Social Media Cause Depression

Social medias excessive use drives almost 13 to 66 of depression in youth. One could use social media with no restrictions while the second group had their social media access limited to just 30 minutes on Facebook Instagram and Snapchat combined over a three-week period.

Why Social Media Might Be Causing Depression Global Village Space

The platforms are designed to be addictive and are associated with anxiety depression and even physical ailments.

How can social media cause depression. Basic needs of food water can be met but when an individual feels hes not being recognized this might cause depression. There are no exact causes of depression. However it has been found out that social media applications can cause depression amongst individuals from all across the globe.

One of their main findings was that higher amounts of social media use were associated with higher levels of depression. How Social Media cause Depression. A new study concludes that there is in fact a causal link between the use of social media and negative effects on well-being primarily depression and.

5 Ways How Social Media Causes Depression and What You Can do About it 1. The less you are connected with human beings in a deep empathic way the less youre really getting the benefits of a social interaction points out Alexandra Hamlet PsyD a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. Social media may contribute to depression by increasing feelings of isolation and hopelessness cyberbullying and sleep.

We all tend to compare ourselves and our flaws with people on social media. Scientists found there was a link between social media use and depressive symptoms in 14-year-olds and that relationship may be much stronger for girls than boys. People compare themselves with others a lot on social media and with this comparison comes jeolousy and Negativity.

But people are not taking proper actions to avoid its cons such as Cyber-bullying Comparison Judgements and Jeolousy. As the popularity of the internet grew depression and mood disorders among adolescents have steadily risen becoming the most lethal affliction to young people in the. Though social media doesnt directly cause depression it can create habits that can lead to depression.

The notion that social media has a negative impact on mental well-being is widespread. You may like to see what everyone is doing online but too much can lead to depression and loneliness according to new research. To establish the causal link between social media and depression the researchers assigned 143 University of Pennsylvania students 3 to two groups.

According to the Pew Research Center 69 of adults and 81 of teens in the US. Facebook Instagram Youtube and more are all social media. Social media and validation Most people seek approval from others thats why everyone would post only the good things.

Can Social Media Cause Depression. It is strongly linked with the use of social media. Comparing yourself to others on social media Its in.

Social Media has lots of benefits and its pros completely outweigh its cons. Some of the ways in which social media use affects mood may be indirect. People tend to completely forget about the world completely hocked into their smart devices while sleeping late and forgetting responsibilities when engaged with social media sites.

Can social media really cause depression. Studies show that spending a lot of time on social media can cause anxiety and depression in many people. Does social media cause depression.

Adults and teenagers who engage too much on social media might experience restricted health activities. A research team from the University of Pittsburgh found that those who checked their social media most frequently were 27 times more likely to be depressed compared to those who checked less often. The growing toxic environment on social media platforms continues to affect peoples mental health.

Here is how to stay online without losing your mental health. There are also many different types of depression including bipolar depression unipolar depression postpartum depression and many other types. This puts a large amount of the population at an increased risk of feeling anxious depressed or ill over their social media use.

For instance one of the most common contributors to depression in teenagers is sleep deprivation which can be caused or exacerbated by social media. Does Social Media Cause Depression. Researchers found that over-using social media such as Snapchatting or Instagraming can lead to depression.

That was true both when the. Some experts see the rise in depression as evidence that the connections social media users form electronically are less emotionally satisfying leaving them feeling socially isolated. To minimize the negative mental health effects of social media its important to set time limits and be mindful of.

Other factors contribute to depression but social media is on the hotline at the moment.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Can Coke Cause Cancer

Alcohol can increase the levels of some hormones such as oestrogen and insulin. Rumors and concerns about aspartame causing a number of health problems including cancer have been around for many years.

Coke And Pepsi Change Recipe To Avoid Cancer Warning Food Drink Industry The Guardian

There have been laboratory testings of rats directly injected with sugar substitutes such as saccharine aspartame and cyclamate.

Can coke cause cancer. The content in Diet Coke which resulted in this rumor is the artificial sweeteners replacing sugar. This compound is formed during the manufacture of some caramel colors used to darken colas and other sodas and is considered potentially carcinogenic. Has reduced levels of one of its ingredients following fears that it could cause cancer.

Research suggests that soda consumption may increase your risk of cancer. Studies of the cancer levels of workers who had occupational exposure to. For it has emerged that Coca-Cola in the US.

The nutritional value of cola or rather lack thereof should have been enough to turn you off from drinking this much soda already. But due to the presence of benzene molecules in Coca-Cola and its plastic package doctors recommend sticking to 1 can of Coke a week to reduce the risk of cancer. Well get into that shortly However Rebecca Hirsch MS CDN oncology dietitian at the Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health emphasizes that the studies merely show an association between cancer risk and soda consumptionnot cause-and-effect.

The main conclusion brought by these testings was the cancer developed in the rats. The group estimates the amount of 4-MI in the Coke and Pepsi products tested is causing about 15000 cancers among the US. Hormones are chemical messengers and higher levels can make cells divide more often which raises the chance that cancer cells will develop.

Dont keep sodas in your home. The results of these studies showed no evidence that these sweeteners cause cancer or pose any other threat to human health. From there scientists discovered that glucose and fructose which are found in drinks sweetened with corn syrup actually accelerated the growth of intestinal tumors in mice The Sun reports.

Researchers have found that former colon cancer patients who drank coffee regularly had lower chances of having cancer recur and the American Institute for Cancer Research notes that coffee drinkers are likely at lower risk of endometrial cancer and liver cancer. Acetaldehyde can cause damage to our cells and can also stop the cells from repairing this damage. We are not saying youll get cancer if you drink Coke every day.

That goes for both diet and regular soda. Some of the concerns about cancer stem from the results of studies in rats published by a group of Italian researchers which suggested aspartame might increase the risk of some blood-related cancers leukemias and lymphomas. Both types of soda contain artificial ingredients and chemicals.

Put simply the less soda you drink the better. Drinking a sugary can of soda a day could contribute to the growth of colon cancer tumors according to a medical study released Thursday. In the study mice susceptible to colon cancer.

It could be caused by inhalation and accidental ingestion of coal and burnt wood fumes and residue. Consuming Diet Beverages Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer In addition to the carcinogenic effects of formaldehyde the deleterious effect that diet soda has on gut immunity and the fact that artificial sweeteners promote cancer-causing obesity diet beverages can increase cancer risk in other ways. Levy shared ways that you can kick your soda habit for good.

There is more evidence that suggests soda particularly its ingredients can cause cancer. They might be affecting our health or cancer risks in ways we dont yet know about she says. In a recent analytical study published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE the artificial caramel coloring used in cola and other soft drinks may contain the potential carcinogen 4-methylimidazole 4-MEI and increase the risk of cancer.

Youre likely referring to a study reporting that up to 60 percent of Americans are exposed daily to a chemical called 4-methylimidazole 4-MEI.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Can Lack Of Sunshine Cause Depression

No such thing as the winter blues. No wonder the use of vitamin D supplements is suggested for alleviating the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder SAD.

Vitamin D Deficiency Signs Symptoms Risks Lack Of Vitamin D Can Cause Back Pain Depression And Heart Disease Timeslifestyle

A lack of sunlight can actually cause a form of clinical depression.

Can lack of sunshine cause depression. Thats not the only thing that a lack of sunlight can cause. This can cause a condition known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD. Seasonal affective disorder SAD is a subtype of depression that involves many of the same symptoms including loss of energy lack of interest in enjoyable activities oversleeping and.

Even if youre not up for interacting with other people thats fine. So to get out of depression be sure to get outside and get some sunlight. Since the symptoms improve in spring.

Insufficient vitamin D levels can lead to a number of health problems including depression. SAD can bring feelings of. What is the effect of sunlight on depression.

People with winter depression tend to sleep more have less energy gain weight and have carbohydrate cravings. A lack of sunshine does not make people feel more depressed a study has claimed. Experts debate whether it has been proved that lack of sunlight in winter triggers SAD but theres certainly circumstantial evidence to support the connection.

Summer depressives tend to be plagued. A lack of sunlight can cause a multitude of problems such as weak bones foot deformities some cancers depression skin problems weight gain and cognitive issues. It is believed that there may be a connection between a depression and a deficiency of the sunshine vitamin.

You can still stand by yourself in the sunlight which will help you become depression-free faster and easier. The symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are similar to those of many types of depression. In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres theres a lack of bright light in winter.

Vitamin D metabolism is dependent on sunlight and lack of sunlight is linked to depression so it is logical to assume that a lack of vitamin D might be a cause of depression. While there have been some rigorous studies looking at how sunlight can affect such non-seasonal depression most show that if it can cause a lift in. Lack of sunshine does NOT make people feel more depressed new study claims A Dutch study of 5282 people found a lack of sunlight doesnt influence moods However participants high in neuroticism were affected by the lack of sunlight.

Just as you dont want too much sun so you dont get burned or increase your risk of a skin cancer developing you also dont want to experience a lack of sunshine either. The light-induced effects of. Scientists found that those with a sunny disposition do not.

The less sunlight humans are expose to in the winter months the more likely they are to develop Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD also known as winter depression winter blues summer depression and. If you deal with SAD then you want sunlight because a lack of it can trigger a seasonal-related depression. Someone who has suffered these symptoms for two consecutive winters but does not have symptoms of depression during the spring and summer months probably has seasonal affective disorder.

Some ways to treat depression related to insufficient vitamin. Decreased sun exposure has been associatedwith a drop in your serotonin levels which can lead to major depression with seasonal pattern. This is a disorder wherein mood changes occur as the winter approaches and episodes of depression are felt during winter.

Lack of light is often blamed for SAD but just how darker days cause depression in SAD sufferers is still in question reports the January 2008 issue of the Harvard Health Letter. Getting some sun increases your serotonin and helps you stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD and sun exposure can also help people with anxiety and depression especially in combination with other treatments.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Can Thyroid Issues Cause Headaches

I take a deeper dive into The. Too little thyroid hormone can cause alterations to how we taste and smell which will mess with your.

Hypothyroidism Signs Symptoms And Complications

A comorbid condition may have an enormous effect on the provision and success of medical treatment.

Can thyroid issues cause headaches. These brain changes can reverse once a person begins treatment. But what you need to feel happy fully of energy and maintain your mood is unavailable. Research shows that low levels of thyroid hormones can cause changes in brain structure and functioning.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms the first stop is your doctor for a thorough evaluation. A migraine is a primary headache and is not normally caused by any other disorder or disease. This can also lead to a thyroid headache.

This means that although it occurs independently of the headaches it still can intensify them and can also make treatment much more complex. Its not culled from all sorts of internet cold lists to build high numbers and empty volume 2 Like some lists it does not contain adrenal-specific symptoms to bulk up the list unless noted in parenthesis as also. Issues with our thyroid commonly cause migraines and headaches through either.

Thyroid disease is considered a comorbid condition for headaches and migraines. One to do so is the study of Martin et al. Many thyroid patients do not realize that headaches seasonal allergies sinus infections also known as sinusitis and migraines can be symptoms of undiagnosed or undertreated hypothyroidism.

Lowering the speed and functioning of our metabolism causing metabolic breakdown and weaknesses. You too may also be able to spot thyroid disease and thats important. I also have been nauseous in the am mostly or until I eat something and a bit shaky in the hands and my neck shakes when I bend forward down to the ground.

If youre wondering whether thyroid problems can indeed cause lightheadedness the answer is yes. A cause or conseque. In fact both hypo- and hyperthyroidism ii can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

The Interconnectivity of Thyroid Disorders and Headaches. Recent supporting literature has shown that not only is migraine more common in hypothyroidism but also that treatment with thyroid hormone medication can result in. Its no surprise that the thyroid gland is responsible for causing headaches and migraines when not up to par.

One possibility is that an overactive immune systemtriggered by recurrent. I feel I should see a Neuro. Can you give me an insight on what this could be or if I am headed in the right direction with the doctors.

Thyroid gland problems can range from weight gain to. The thyroid gland and hypothyroidism. There are several reasons why headache disorders may be a risk factor for thyroid problems Dr.

But what is the connection between the thyroid function and headaches. Headaches are indeed associated with hypothyroidism as concluded in many researches. Caught early treatment can prevent complications.

When thyroid disease goes untreated for years it can lead to a dangerously slow or fast heartbeat an injury that refuses to heal or unrelenting pain. This longitudinal retrospective cohort study observed patients who complained of headaches and were not diagnosed by thyroid disease previously. 1 This list is based on actual thyroid patient descriptions of their symptoms whether still on the inadequate T4 medication or from being undiagnosed or UNDERtreated.

Can hyperthyroidism be related to the headachesneck pain.

Is Airborne Good For Colds

There are no studies to indicate that Airborne is effective in any way lessening the symptoms of colds or flu. This resulted in a 30 millio...